What is the SPAplatform?

about SPA

The most advanced testing Analytics, Reporting, Student Tracking & Marking software all rolled into one easy to use and powerful software package called the SPAplatform.

Learn More
Philip Holmes-Smith


Philip is the founding director and master mind behind the powerful SPA platform. The SPAplatform is created by (SREAMS), School Research, Evaluation and Measurements Services, an independent educational research company. Philip is an experienced educational psychometrician, statistician, researcher, program evaluator, Professional Learning facilitator and lecturer in the field of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

Safer Technologies 4 Schools initiative is a comprehensive program aimed at ensuring digital products and services used in schools across Australia and New Zealand meet stringent security and privacy standards, by evaluating technologies against a standardised framework to ensure they adhere to national guidelines for security and privacy controls.

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Frequently Asked Questions

SPA stands for Student Performance Analyser. SPA is a secure web-based software tool designed and built for schools to analyse, display and communicate your assessment data. It produces a number of sortable reports that allow you to interpret and monitor the progress of individual students, groups of students and whole school cohorts quickly and easily. Along with other features, SPA instantly calculates how much value added learning is occurring, your students’ growth against the Australian Curriculum and colour-coded indications about where your students are performing against the curriculum. Being online software, your staff can view and add data on any computer that is connected to the internet. There are no computer licence limits!

By simply uploading your raw data into your SPA account, the SPA software instantly analyses and displays your data in various report formats for you. Allowing your staff to easily identify current student performance, long term school trends and how much “value added learning” is occurring in your school.

SPA is a powerful analysing tool. The programming that occurs within our software is highly complex but the interface and reports it produces are simple to use and easily understand.

All our means come directly from ACARA. ACARA produce two means- the first one comes via their summary national report. This is the mean we use when we first release NAPLAN data to SPA around September each year. In around February the following year ACARA publish the final national and state means which will differ because of some further adjustments they make, SPA readjusts the means inside the software after the final report is produced.

Each state has been know to release their own NAPLAN state averages based on different statistical modelling. As NAPLAN is a national program administered by ACARA, we use their figures, not the state's figures. Secondly, ACARA treats outlier data more statistically correctly - a procedure which has national agreement and "smooths" the effect of having just a few too many or just a few too few students below national minimum standard.

We are constantly adding new tests to SPAstandard & SPAtracker. Currently we analyse the following:

  • Teacher Judgments
  • PAT Reading – Early Years
  • PAT Reading
  • PAT-R Vocabulary
  • PAT-Spelling
  • PAT Punctuation & Grammar
  • Single Word Spelling Test
  • South Australian Spelling Test
  • PAT Maths – Early Years
  • PAT Maths
  • PAT Science
  • On Demand
  • Running records
  • Observation Survey
  • Early Years Numeracy Interview
  • VCE
  • Essential Assessments
  • Magic Words
  • Andrell Education VCOP/BigWrite